A Study of the Root Chakra
The Earth, my first friend. I remember wiggling my toes within the dirt and feeling the grass tangle around my toes... I was little... A babe on the grass watching the bugs travel in search of food and shelter. I could sit for hours watching the ants, worms, roly polies and whatever else entranced my eyes! I studied the way grass grew from the earth and picked the leaf apart to feel the life blood squeeze out upon my fingers. Life, I could smell the life living all around me. Flowers and their little colored veins and pollen dancing with the bees upon the wind... yeah... good memories.. good times.. the best part is, this is unending. I revisit the earth as often as I am able. I enjoy life!
To study the Root Chakra is to study the Earth and learn how to be grounded and remain grounded. This Chakra is at the sacral area, at the base of the tail bone and roots us body and soul to the Earth. Muladhara draws energy from the ground to aid in our Physical vitality and Endurance.
Our basic survival instincts are grounded within the root of our body. The Root Chakra teaches us to nurture our basic needs, basic desires and our desire to live.
When I begin to feel out of balance, I return to the earth. The grass calls my name and I listen. My feet sink into the soil and I fold my body into indian sitting position. Breathe deeply.. and then stretch out cradled and supported.
A balanced Root Chakra gives us a sense of stability, security and a feeling of a balanced existence.
An unbalanced Root Chakra will cause an unfocused and anxious feeling, low libido and can lead to anemia with digestion issues and low blood pressure.
Balance is the key... Having too much Root energy keeps you in place and can keep you from moving forward. Releasing this energy is a way to learn how to let go and become more active in goal manifestation!
Learn how to reconnect with your body! Envision dancing to earth energy and fire! Become tribal and feel the earth inspire your base instincts while moving and swaying! Wear the color RED! Incorporate earthy scents to your daily life! Ylang Ylang, Rose, Cinnamon....
Begin practicing Yoga and consume RED foods!
Meditate upon Mother Earth and begin to balance your heart, mind, soul and body to the base energy belonging to life!
Breathe in a pearly white glowing light.
Let the light fill your body all the way down to your spine.
Imagine the darkness rising out and leaving your mouth as you exhale.
Practice this breathing until you can see your base Root Chakra as a beautiful Garnet red!!!
Feel the energy pulsate and dance to the rhythm
Dance to the Earth energy and feel your energy rise!!!